Car Shopping QUESTIONS?

From questions about Autohitch, to answers on questions you have about car buying…it’s all here

Frequently Asked Car Buying Questions

What Is Autohitch?

Autohitch is a Used Car Buying Service based in South Florida with the mission of helping car buyers understand and negotiate a better price on a Used Car.  

What Is A Used Car Buying Service?

A Used Car Buying Service is a service available to consumers, usually for a fee, that can assist in the locating, price negotiation, and purchase of a Used Vehicle.  Car Buying Services can vary in how much of the process they will assist you with- From simply helping  locate a vehicle, all the way to delivering the vehicle and paperwork to your house for final delivery. 

Truecar would be an example of a basic Car Buying Service, while a Car Buying Concierge Service would be a business that can offer service from start to finish, potentially without you ever even leaving your house.  Please see our article on “What is a Car Buying Concierge” for more on a full-service option.

What Services Can Autohitch Provide For Used Car Shoppers?

Autohitch services currently consist of:

What Is Expert Used Car Pricing Analysis?

One of the biggest challenges a car buyer can have is answering the question:  What is a fair price for my car?  Well, let me ask you this:  Would it be helpful if you knew what the dealer paid for that car?

Autohitch takes our years of experience buying and selling cars as industry experts and pairs that with current (Real Time) data to show you exactly what your dealer (or any dealership) is paying for that car on the open market today.  Now you can negotiate your vehicle purchase knowing exactly where everyone stands!

General Car Buying Questions

Click on the titles of the questions to jump to the main article in our Used Car Buying guide.

Typically a dealer will aim to make around $10%-15% on a Used Car.  However, this of course can vary depending on the specific price of the vehicle, with cheaper vehicles making smaller profits, and more expensive vehicles earning far more.  When all that is said and done you then have other potential revenue opportunities with financing, warranties, and other add on products.

The additional income earners can be so profitable that some dealers actually sell cars at prices closer to cost so that they can focus on maximizing profits on the add ons.

You might actually be surprised to find out that although cars are generally still cheaper at the dealer auctions, there are many cases in which cars are actually being sold at close to retail.  

Ask the Experts

Feel free to ask our Car Buying Experts anything-  Really!