What Time Do Repo Men Usually Come

What Time Do Repo Men Usually Come

If you have already missed a few car payments, you’re right to think that the repo man is just around the corner, but what time of day can you expect the repo man to come get your car?

Short answer: Repo men can come at any time of the day, but their favorite time of day is between 12 am and 5 am, and that’s because this is the time they are most likely to avoid a conflict with the owner.

Time PeriodPopularityReasons
Overnight Hours (12 AM – 5 AM)High– Fewer people around to witness or interfere
– Cars more likely parked unattended at home
– Darkness helps avoid drawing attention
Early Morning Hours (5 AM – 8 AM)Moderate– Catch borrowers before they leave for work
– Cars often parked outside overnight
Late Evening Hours (9 PM – 12 AM)Moderate– Borrowers likely at home
– Cars parked outside for the night
Daytime Hours (8 AM – 5 PM)Low– More people around to potentially interfere
– Cars less likely to be parked unattended
Popular times for repo men to come for a car

However, don’t underestimate the ability of a repo man to get your car during the day.

Most people trying to avoid repossession are skilled at hiding or blocking in their cars at night, but during the day, you’re out running errands and likely to leave your car in a publicly accessible parking lot, which is easy Pickens for a repo driver.

Important Statistic: Cox Automotive estimates that 1.5 million vehicles will be repossessed by the end of 2023, up from 1.2 million in 2022 – Source.

Key Takeaways

  • Repo agents can legally seize vehicles at any hour after missed payments
  • Overnight hours from 12-5 AM are a prime time for repos
  • Expect non-stop tracking until repo men can take your car
  • Safeguards exist if protocol gets violated during repossession
  • Redemption is possible if you can pay the balance after the car gets towed

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When Repo Men Are Most Likely To Come For a Car

As I said above, repo men can come at any hour of the day or night to take back a car on behalf of lenders after payments are missed or terms violated. Whether it’s 3 AM or 3 PM, be prepared for potential repossession once you default.

While timings vary, late night and early morning repos are more common as there tend to be fewer witnesses.

But remember – legally your lender can dispatch a tow truck the moment your payment deadline passes unless your contract states otherwise.

Why repo agents prefer overnight seizures

Though state laws dictate repossession details, most repo men aim for the overnight hours between 12 AM and 5 AM. Here’s why:

  • Fewer people around to witness or interfere
  • Cars more likely parked unattended at home
  • Darkness helps avoid drawing attention

This does not always hold true, though.

As I said above, if you have successfully blocked your car at night the repo guys strategy strategy will shift to get your car during the day.

I recently saw a video of a man who had his car repoed while he was at a car wash. He walked up to the office to pay his bill, and in that short amount of time, from maybe 50 yards away, the car was gone!

Vehicles get tracked 24/7 after default

Vehicles get tracked 24 by 7 after default

Modern tools make it very easy for repo agents to keep eyes on your car at all times. As soon as the repo order comes in from a lender, they quickly move to locate and seize the vehicle. This persistant tracking continues until the repo is successful.

Repo agents use methods like:

  • GPS trackers installed on cars
  • License plate scanning cameras
  • Stakeouts of known hangouts
  • Accessing your personal/loan data
  • Monitoring social media for car sightings

Many people think a specific company or driver is assigned to their car, but as I noted in the list above, you might just pull up to a repo truck on the road that has a license plate scanner, and the next thing you know, you’re being hunted.

So, once you miss payments, expect non-stop monitoring and seizures at any hour.

Factors that determine exact repo timing

Though repossession can legally happen at any time after default, agent schedules and logistics play a role in exact timing.

Top factors include:

  • Car availability: Repo agent may wait if the vehicle is not currently in-state due to a long trip
  • Your schedule: Repo order may be delayed if you took the car on a long trip
  • Ease of towing: Agents prioritize seizures when towing looks quick and straightforward

Can I know precisely when the repo man is coming?

Unfortunately no. Lenders often hire third-party repossession companies and do not disclose specifics on timing.

The repo team tracks down vehicles on their own timeline once dispatched. Expect them to show up unannounced the minute they can safely access your unattended car.

So be vigilant about parking or driving once payments are missed. A tow truck could arrive at any moment.

What should I do to prepare for repossession?

What should I do to prepare for repossession
  1. Communicate with lender: Call to explain situation and request extensions or alternates before they repo
  2. Remove valuables: Take personal items out of car in case it gets towed unexpectedly
  3. Gather documents: Have vehicle paperwork ready to get car back faster
  4. Arrange backup transport: Line up rides in case your car gets taken without notice
  5. Avoid publicly posting car location: Repo team may monitor social media for sightings

Proactive Pre-Repo Checklist

Follow this preemptive checklist to responsibly prepare if falling behind on payments:

🗹 Call lender: Explain situation + request payment plan options

🗹 Remove valuables: Personal items, cash, electronics, prescriptions, etc.

🗹 Gather documents: Vehicle title, loan contract, insurance, registration

🗹 Research redemption laws: Understand post-repo options in your state

🗹 Take photos: Capture odometer, exterior & interior condition

🗹 Garage at night: Reduce exposure if possible

🗹 Activate tracking app: Log your routes in case car moves overnight

🗹 Have tow contacts ready: To retrieve personal property if needed

🗹 Line up transportation: Ask friends, family for ride support

🗹 Avoid location check-ins: Disable social media geotags

🗹 Make lender aware: If long trip planned with car

🗹 Keep rentals as backup: In case primary car gets towed

🗹 Know your rights: What agents can & can’t do in your state

🗹 Store agent contacts: In case improper conduct occurs

🗹 Photograph incident: If breach rules broken during repo

Am I helpless if a tow truck comes?

Am I helpless if a tow truck comes

No. While timing itself is unpredictable, safeguards exist around conduct during repossessions:

  • Repo agents cannot threaten/harm you
  • They cannot breach locks or fences to access car
  • Police cannot force you to hand over keys

Documentation is key if rules get broken. Be sure to photograph the damage and get witness statements. This could help with legal options later.

Can I get my car back after repossession?

Yes, redemption is sometimes possible if you can pay the loan balance or reaffirm terms with lender. But act fast once it gets towed and have funds ready if negotiating.

Let me know if you have any other questions on the repossession process or timing! I’m happy to help using my years of experience.

Sources For This Article:

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Picture of Steve Momot - Author

Steve Momot - Author

Steve, a seasoned expert in the automotive industry, formerly held a car dealer license in Florida. With extensive experience spanning across car trading and mechanical work, he founded Autohitch. His mission? To guide both buyers and sellers through the intricate maze of car purchasing, ensuring a seamless and informed experience. Outside of the automotive world, Steve has a passion for fishing and capturing the beauty of nature through photography.


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